Thorpe Estate Solar Farm

Public Consultation


Thorpe Estate has partnered with leading UK solar developer, Elgin Energy, to develop a solar farm on Thorpe Estate. Initial consultation has been undertaken by Elgin Energy through engagement with Lichfield District Council and residents living close to the proposed development.

This website has been created as a public consultation event cannot be held at this time due to the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic. We also want to provide information to the wider community and seek feedback to inform the project design. It is important to note that the project is evolving through detailed design and stakeholder consultation. We suggest that you revisit the website from time to time to check on developments or changes to the project.

  • 1.5km from Clifton Campville
  • 49.9MW Approximate Project Size
  • 176 acres Site Area
  • Lichfield District Council
  • Biodiversity Net positive gain